Tax Planning For Investors

Our tax return analysis software will analyze your tax return and:

  • Find tax savings
  • Improve tax efficiency of investments
  • Find common tax mistakes
  • Built for iPhone and iPad
Tax analysis and optimization for iPad and iPhone

A Tax Advisor On Your iPad

Professional Tax Review

Ten Forty will analyze your return and look for tax credits and deductions. Every tax return is checked for common errors.


Built for iPad and iPhone

Built for iPad and iPhone. We use modern iOS development tools such as Swift and SwiftUI to provide the highest possible level performance and usability.


Beyond The Basics [Pro feature]

Advanced tax analysis includes investments, efficient fund placement and asset allocation.

Private and Secure

Your financial data stays on your device.

No account creation or login required. We take privacy seriously.

The Most Comprehensive Tax Review Available

Tax review for iPad and iPhone

How It Works:

1. Upload your completed Form 1040

Copy your tax return PDF file to your iPhone or iPad, or use a service such as iCloud, Dropbox, or Google Drive. It is fine if the tax return PDF has extra pages (such as cover pages or additional tax forms), but should contain both pages of your Form 1040. You may delete the file from your device after Ten Forty has analyzed the PDF file.

2. Check the details

Every version of Ten Forty will show you key insights such as your overall tax bracket, your marginal tax bracket, and how much space is left in your current bracket. These are key details that you can use to make sure you are planning your taxes effectively.

3. Beyond The Basics [Pro feature]

Advanced tax analysis includes investments, efficient fund placement and asset allocation.